Plant Strong Kids

Plant Strong Kids I Paleo Vegeo Urban Gardening

Can't wait for this book, The Power Of Plants to reach everyone! People doubt, but plants change everything. When kids learn about plants along side the latest technology they change how they feel about life. They change how they feel about food. They change how they feel about so many things!!! Having been able to watch my daughter and her homeschool classmates change while learning and enjoy simple plants (noshing on lettuce, peas, and collards as they pass it by) has been very special.

School Garden Grant I Indoor Next Generation Science Standards TeachersTwo years ago I was able to get one Urban Garden into our Parent Partnership program via the Homeschool PTSA. This year I was able to get an additional three in part thanks to a grant from the Lake Washington Foundation. We're pretty blessed to have this opportunity for all of the kids ages 5 through 12th Grade. Many teachers want to teach gardening lessons in school, but they just don't know how to. It's easy to use n Urban Garden inside, with no dirt to clean up, and using Stephen's curriculum resources makes it even easier. As well, there are a growing number of gardening lesson planning resources for teachers every year.

Stephen Ritz talked at our local water sewer treatment facility where I was able to donate to his program and just fell in love with what he's doing. He takes kids in areas where there is no gardens, and sometimes no grocery stores... and gives them the understanding of real foods. Not only has it changed the lives of all of these children, but it's changed his life in many ways including his waist size. Of course when you start eating plants, it's a big boost to your inner being!! I love that!!

A Gardening Project will engage students through Next Generation Science Standards including:

  • K-ESS2-2 Earth's Systems
  • 1-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms : Structures and Processes
  • 2- LS2 Ecosystems : Interactions, Energy and Dynamics
  • 3 - LS1 From Molecules to Organisms
  • 3-ESS2 Earth's Systems
  • 4-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms
  • 5-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms
  • 5-LS2 Ecosystems
  • MS-LS1 Molecules to Organisms
  • MS-LS2 Ecosystems

And even better having a full school Gardening Lab will provide year round access to improved
NGSS academics, and with no soil required as a vehicle for hands-on applications of math and science this tangible engagement will be used year over year at a very low maintenance. Also using aeroponics—the same technology NASA uses— your student grows plants with only water and nutrients rather than dirt. Research has found aeroponic systems grow plants three times faster and produce 30% greater yields on average. That means your students will learn more in a shorter amount of time! 

Urban Garden I Indoor Garden I Paleo Garden I Vegan Garden I Tower Garden

All grade bands can participate in an indoor school Garden project at some point in the year using Next Generation Science Standards. NGSS focus inside of grade bands include:
  • K - 2 : Plants
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 : K-ESS2-2 (Biogeology)
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 :K-ESS3C (Human Impact on Earth Systems)
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 :K-ESS2-1 Patterns
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 :K-ESS2-1 Systems
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 :K-ESS2-1 Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  • 3 -5/6-8/9-12 :K-ESS2-2 Engaging in Arugument from Evidence
I am always happy to share information on bringing a garden into your home, your school or even your business! We have an amazing Community Garden Package! The more plants the better! I promise you that if you garden with your children, they will eat more plants. 

School Garden Program I Indoor Garden for Schools And Communities




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