Blip ... Blip .. Blip... How to market your business for success

How to market your business for success using the right communication tools

blip  (blp) n.
1. A spot of light on a radar or sonar screen indicating the position of a detected object
2. A transient sharp upward (or downward) movement, as on a graph.

You have to shock the system by creating a BLIP Strategy today. That is the push that I'm going through after the Breakthrough series and now at day 8 on the 30 Day Push. {even coaches look to be coached, to get better, to grow!}

B- Blog
L- Lead
I- Invite
P- Promote

Business, Life and Wellness Coach Barbara Christensen I Paleo Vegeo I Bija Coaching
By doing this you are going to taking advantage of the top items to build your business. This allows you to be "big business' on the outside, while staying true to and working within the confines of your small business needs.I see this again and again within my coaching business when working with people just like you.

The average business will lose 10% - 30% of thier customer base every year, so keeping the customer base you have is the most effective marketing strategy you have. A fundamental first step in developing that effective relationshop marketing is to leverage yourself as the leader in what you do best.

And effective strategy would be concise, and focus on a single meaningful attribute, rather than trying to be everything to everyone. If you have never tried eating a dinosaur, how do you know what the best place to start is? Do you start at the front, the back, the legs? But if you've made 700 amazing green smoothies, then you have all of the knowledge to share with others on the how and why of how things go together.

And the most effective marketing strategy is to be rated as the BEST in one or more meaningful qualities. If you can't be the best, then you try to better than most or different than the majority. But never settle for second best because your customers never will.

Studies have shown that 30% of all customers make decisions based on price. So don't make price the deciding factor, because it's not. Promote how you are going to be a detected item on the radar that they just can't stop thinking about. BLIP... BLIP... BLIP... and by doing so you are going to be able to overcome most pricing objections because you are giving them what they have been thinking about over and over again.

What do you think would happen if you had an entire room of people and the lights suddenly went off? 

Turning off the power will not only gain you the most attending {turn back on} but it allows you to zero in on your clients as they collect outside to figure out what you are doing! You are inviting them to come on over and check you out. So what are you doing? Do you take the time to turn off the power? Or do you bombard them with heavy neon lights all day long?

The ideal way to market your product or service is to lead with the most compelling functional "need" you offer. and then appeal to the psychological needs of your niche market. If you can do this in a way that shows the primary differences between you and your competitors - then you have covered all of your bases, and you are see that graph start to move on up.

Now, you may just be choosing the wrong customers. This costs you in several ways. These customers are short term... they were never really into it in the first place. If you are building a team of people that want to be there, you are on track. If you are building a team of people that just said yes because you are that good... you are going to find that they are going to be very labor intensive. They will cost you time, money and in the end future referrals because you never should have sold to that customer perhaps in the first place. It's best to avoid those customers and release yourself from focusing on those people that will never be happy with what you are offering.

When creating your marketing strategy you want to stop, think and ask, "So what? It helps you to translate the features of a promotion to the benefits. This will help you to develop how you will approach your customers when the time comes. It's not going to always happen, and most of the time won't happen the first time someone sees your post, your blog, your promotion, your website. The research has shown that the majority of sales are carried out after SEVEN exposures to your product. So you have to develop a way to keep bringing them back.

Blip... Blip... Blip... 

The average marketing communication must gain the interest of the consumer in 2 seconds. So you have to be quick, consise, yet make them want to come back? Pictures say more than words, and you can share that in your own image more than using someone else. Pull them in, and help them to continue to pay attention to your marketing message.

So take that moment in time where you get it... let this click! Watch the next Breakthrough with Anthony Robbins and start to take the shift to create  the quality of life that you deserve, and start thinking about your business in the way that your customers do. If you get the answer for this question in this video, you will figure out your niche. I promise. The decisions you make without targeting, what do you get? You don't get the change you want. You have to be concise. Listen to the beginning of you journey, and start to develop those BLIPS!

You may not realize how all of this works together right now, but I hope that you watch the video, and then come back maybe later today, or in a week and re-read what you need to do and that's when it will all really click.



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