The movement to accumulate food with less ingredients...take in less toxins.... balance your happiness with less stress....and of course less sugar, less gluten and less dairy are truly growing so rapidly for big reasons and I have to tell you that if you're looking to make some changes it's easier than you think.
Less ingredients is as simple as adding more whole foods into your diet.
Now is the time for you to join us to change your food choices, your movement and your mindfulness. It can be so complicated because wouldn't you agree that our world is more toxic than it was ten years ago (both in environment, nutrition and emotionally/socially)? And wouldn't you agree that our foods are more toxic than they were... heavy on the herbicides? the sugar content? And the foods we just can't digest well.

Yes, you can still have all of these!! And align to your Paleo Vegeo lifestyle.
Less toxins is about supporting your body's natural abilities while eliminating some of those toxic ingredients, toxic foods (think pesticides and hormones), and toxic home products (like beauty products or cleaning products).
Maybe less stress would mean bringing in a little more money. another income for debt reduction, travel or a little breathing room....You need to know that sometimes that mood is actually brain inflammation or poor gut bacteria. You are capable of happiness.
What are you open to releasing that you just know it's time? ...
Sometimes we hold on to that which isn't serving us because it feels comfortable. Comfortable as in what you know, not as in you feel good in it. So what if you started instead feeling good about letting that stuff go? What sort of energy could you start creating when you aren't holding on so tightly that energy can't even maneuver around your being? What if you started looking at your food, your body, your actions, your thoughts all in that same light? Shed that with me.
Today what came up first in my meditation was "dredged".
Have you ever felt dredged. Like everything was being dug out of your being. All the muck and the mud and the dysfunction and you are tugging at it to get it back. How about you let it just dredge. Let it be pulled up, pulled out and clear out so that you and your cells can shine in the light again. The path has its heavy spaces, not going to lie. But what if you get through it into the light? What else is possible?
Come join my next program as it is even better to work on personal development as a team. You may even find your purpose by working onward. I can teach you the simplicity in all of these areas. Be a warrior!! Honor your temple!! I love what I do! I love food!! I enjoy a little zen every day. I get where you are, and I know what it feels like and how deeply it can pull you into this alternate universe. But we are capable of releasing those beliefs, and creating change.
Do you want to explore shredding with me? Place your order and lets create a Shred Life. This is an EASY program with all of your nutrition in a grab and go, and the simplest prep every. Perfect timing so what are you waiting for. Just Contact Me and I will give you the information to order and join our Shred Movement.
I've done two back to back shreds and I am finishing up round two on Wednesday. Took early photos this morning and in love with the reduction of the holiday / everything else muffin top... or should I say muffin back. The last six months of the year were brutal for me, due to highly reactive my body is to latex and mold, and my mast cells went crazy. That meant my body went with it.
Now I am in the zone of just ten days... Just ten days of highly focused strategy, vegan, dumping highly synergistic micro nutrients into my system, hydration, smoothies, salads, no caffeine, and lots of goodness. 10 days of spot on movement... walking, cardio, stretching, and all of the good things that create your body.
2019... the year to create for your body.
What does your body want? Have you asked it lately?
Which package is for you 👇🏼👇🏼
#BRONZE PACKAGE (most popular)
Chocolate &/or Vanilla vegan shakes & Berry capsules 🍇🍫
Boosters & Berry capsules 🍇🍍
Chocolate &/or vanilla shakes, berries & omegas 🍇🍫🍍
Chocolate &/or vanilla shakes, fruit & veg capsules 🍫🍋🍏🍒
Chocolate & vanilla shakes, fruit; veg & berry capsules 🍫🍇🍒🍋🍏
Chocolate &/or vanilla shakes, fruit, veg & berry capsules & omegas 🍇🥑🍑🍍
With any package you can place your order today 📩
Free healthy living guide ❤ recipes 🥘 Shopping list 📝 1-2-1 support 👯

Get November coaching ... just one of the freebies you'll get because you are joining. And then if you jump in and order the program you'll get the full 150 + ebook, the special cookbook created just for this shred life program, my Healthy Journey Journal that I ONLY give to my clients, an online community and additional wellness training! Remember that you are going to get free personal coaching through November just for ordering your whole food capsules and a vegan meal replacement.
There is no reason we shouldn't clean up our lifestyle more than once a year. This is your New Year challenge ... let's get going! This is the year to not just create your body, but create with it! Watch the video below or Join the Facebook Group to learn more about why we Shred join the April 22nd month end shred, as part of the Renew, Reset and Reclaim program for 2019!
or listen in on SoundCloud
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