The Alcohol and ADD Connection to GABA I On Tuesday We Talk I The Barbara Christensen VlogCast

The Alcohol and ADD Connection

Me and my Dad I The Alcohol and ADD Connection to GABA I On Tuesday We Talk I The Barbara Christensen VlogCast Coming from a family with two very long lines of alcoholism, depression, anxiety, Alzheimers, attention disorders, suicide and a long list of low serotonin associated disorders, as I am learning more about amino acids and their role in our bodies and brains, I am learn more about myself and my immediate family. I look at this photo of my dad, myself and my little sister, and it's striking that I was hiding, and playing the passive mommy role already. Even then I was allowing myself to be put into that codependent role, and it plagued me for decades. 

For a long time I was very reactively angry at my dad. My father passed over two decades ago several months before I met my husband. But he was the key factor that created the caregiver, codependent person that I became in life. As I learn more about our internal systems, I am starting to forgive and understand him, as well as the others in my family that have had the same demons to overcome. Here's hoping that the learning process continues as today I talk about GABA, the amino acid l-glutatmine, anxiety, low serotonin, ADD/ADHD and alcoholism. As always, Live Your Truth!

You can get amino acid testing from your doctor or I recommend True Health Labs



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