What Does It Mean To Really Receive Vitality?

What Does It Mean To Really Receive Vitality? I Vitality Receptors Part One

Let’s talk about what receiving really means. To receive is to energy? We understand that right now I can hand you a paper and you would receive it. Simple. Just like that tangible paper, spiritual or abundant, or say manifested energy is no less real than any other energy, like electricity for example, but is vastly more important. Spiritual energy is prana and also known as “universal life force” or “qi” and is carried by pure love. Our bodies were built with that universal template of giving and receiving. As a machine of cells that is really all that we are doing. Giving and receiving throughout the day. In fact when you hug someone it’s not just that hormonal joy that you receive, but it’s a microbiome based exchange that takes place as our microbiome are not just confined to our inner cells. The are permeating throughout our bodies and if magnified via a very powerful microscope you would see that it surrounds you, as does your energy, like the dust storm that surrounds PigPen the Peanuts character.

We were made for this!! And not just receiving one bit of energy at one time. We have so many receptors that we are like those receptor cells waiting for the magnitude of peptides swirling about the universe. With knowledge gained from DNA testing we know that we can control what peptides we put in our bodies via nutrition, the relationships we engage in, the toxins in our homes and all that surrounds us. A peptide is such a wonderful and simple object, made more beautiful and less fearful when it can be understood as such a little miracle. Did you know you can hold a peptide in your hand? We are made of peptides and peptides are everywhere around us, even floating on dust in the air we breath. Consider the peptides that are found in food and that when we have tested cancer tissue we can see what peptides are generated by cancer cells. What about peptides created by cancerous thoughts and actions?

I like to think of sunshine in terms of what you see with the peptides and the receptors in our body. The Sun shines down and touches many things, yet it does only one thing. Shine. Peptides are really just short little pieces of proteins.

There are no dangerous elements in a peptides. They are made of amino acids, and these are made of the same elements that make up human beings. The pattern of the “beads on the string” is what makes peptides bioactive. Think again about the sunshine. How different is a sunset here in the valley and a sunset over the ocean? Each unique pattern of these “beaded strings” can be recognized by our immune system, but the origin of the peptide is not encoded in the sequence of amino acids or as we are calling them, beads. A peptide from a cancer cell and from a chicken sandwich can be exactly the same pattern. When this happens, the immune system can get confused and stop attacking the cancer. When a unique peptide is recognized in the digestive tract, the immune system is trained to shut down responses toward the food peptides. If you have known anyone with cancer, you have heard lots of discussions on T cells. Each T cell has a receptor that can scan cancer cells looking for a peptide that will activate it. But what about when mutated peptide in the cancer cell matches a peptide expressed in pork and tells it to activate? 

Where there are proteins there are peptides. As proteins breakdown into amino acids, they transition through a stage where they are peptides. The location and the part of the protein that is broken determines what peptides are available for inspection by the immune system. Every whole food, every bacteria and living organism is full of peptides that can be evaluated by our immune system. And this all seems to be centralized to that digestive system, and the little colony of bacteria that reside within it. So everything that is going on in your life right now, has to do with peptides. How much of any one particular peptide that you have in your system right now and how it’s impacting you comes down to all that you are. Those people we are sitting here with right now, the measurable thoughts we are having, what you had for lunch today, and the lingering essential oil aromas or chemical toxins right here in this very room. But most importantly is how that makes you feel … And how many emotions do we have throughout the day. Especially if you consider all of the stimulation in our lives from video games, social media, relationships, school, sugar, processed foods, and more.

Negative activities, negative foods, negative thinking is like a brick wall preventing you from manifesting, from receiving because it becomes the driver for your being. There are so many thing that come together to create positive thinking or negative thinking. You learn to control that, and you learn to receive. We learn that when we drink a cup of freshly juiced greens or take capsules or non-gmo foods that it shares the enzymes to break down the peptides to activate all of the good we desire in our life. Cellularly we are electricity and pathways for chemical reactions. Both good and bad. Your immune system is trained to be able to recognize non-self proteins that are generated from cancer mutations. This recognition allows the immune system to attack just the cancer cells specifically. You want to do whatever you can to protect those T cells. When it comes to our wellness, there are essentially four things under our control: the decision not to do drugs of all varieties, a commitment to exercise as we are meant to move as our lymphatic systems will easily tell you, the quality of our diet - how close to non-gmo, pesticide free our food is … as well to how close to real food it is, and our level of optimism. And would it surprise you to know that optimism is at least as beneficial as the others.

There seems to be a clear, fairly consistent connection between negative emotions and unhealthy foods… why do you think that is? Research shows that there is a defined connection between negative moods and unhealthy foods, and positive moods and healthy foods. The big defining factors are in the quality of our food, and the connected element of time. When you think about either the present or the future regardless of mood, long-term, future-focused thinking led to healthier choices. When you visualize.. manifest… receive .. you are activating a focus to choose the foods that will align to exactly what your body needs! When you get depressed and get anxious what do you choose to eat? It’s almost always not the best choices. There are many examples of biologically active food proteins, with physiological significance beyond the pure nutritional requirements that concern available nitrogen for normal growth and maintenance. Moreover, there are many physiologically active peptides, derived by protease activity from various food protein sources. Food addictions are not strictly "psychological" problems, but have a hard-wired, organic component. Many of the most commonly consumed foods in Western culture actually contain narcotic properties associated with the presence of psychoactive chemicals that bind to those opioid receptors in the nervous system. These peptides are so powerful that researchers block their action with drugs when treating drug addiction. These "food opiates" are heavily concentrated in wheat and dairy products, especially cow’s milk. Thus why people feel more control, more active and just feel “better” when they stop eating gluten and dairy products. It’s a central part of my personal coaching programs because I have seen differences like night and day.

If you are ready to start seeing your body open up to what it's asking for, then you have to give it what it really needs. It doesn't need gluten for sure. Most people find that dairy isn't something they need either. Jump into one of my programs by reaching out or checking out the monthly wellness program. 



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